In my own quest to understand God, I asked several questions to those who were the closest to me while growing up. Of course, as you can imagine I obtained several different answers to my questions therefore leaving me more confused then when I first started my quest. Although looking back as a child and now as an adult some things have not really changed.
Let me explain what I mean. There were many religions back then and even more so now, I am sure you would agree. Therefore, could we agree upom the one who is searching could actually get lost out there? Which religion holds fast to the teachings of the holy writings? On the other hand, is it even necessary that a person belong to a church, or a form of religion? What about our spirituality? How does that play into the equation? Okay, back to my quest. I have sat in many houses of God while growing up and I can remember... a saying, maybe you have heard it yourself. It may go like this, there are many roads, ok, and those roads eventually can lead you to the same place, hmmm.
I have also discovered in my quest that many people follow the road their parents have taken. I asked my mother when I was a child which religion she belonged to if any. My mother told me she was a Methodist, a long pause...... I had to muster up the boldness to ask her the million-dollar question; you may already know what the question was going to be. I asked mom if you are a Methodist then why are you not attending a Methodist church. She proceeded to tell me, as long as you are a good person and do well to others, this is enough.
I think that even today many people feel that way. Do you? Therefore, of course when someone would ask me what religion I was in, I would say Methodist. Remember, during that time I was young and trying to figure out which path would lead me to God. It reminds me of the Wizard of Oz, "follow the yellow brick road." Seriously, that would have made my journey just a little bit easier.
Let us expound just a little on the road(s) that supposedly will lead you to God. If I may be a little bold for a minute, I would like to share with you what I stumbled across my path to God, and it was not a rock, or a piece of debris in the way, actually it is a passage from the holy writings in God's word the bible. Prepare yourselves... this may be a revelation to some of you. Ready? Ok, I will get on with it. In the book of Matthew, or what some refer to as the gospels, I stumbled across this scripture, Matthew 7:13, 14 which reads: "Enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who go through it. How narrow is the gate and difficult the road that leads to life, and few find it." - Holman Christian Standard Bible.
So what are we to believe? Would you agree, clearly, there are two roads? Would you also agree, that within these two roads there are very different outcomes? I do not know about you, but I will take the road that leads to life, how about you? Having said that let us, you and I give it some thought....
Blog back and we can journey this adventure together. Aww its okay, you can do this!
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